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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

message to the dumb bastards in the goat fucker caliphat

do you really think i fall for something that naive? do you think i'm that desperate? come on! a mildly anatchistic middleaged british woman (could be interrested) dressing up like a fuckin' jawa from Star Wars!

i'm a tranny! i'm a guy who occationally dress up as a woman! and i like it! you throw people like me out from high places.

i may not be happy with the way things are done where i live now but at least i have the freedom to say and the opputunity to change things... to some extent.

did you really think i would participate in taking your hackers to the next level... even cyberwar?

do you think you will recruit any decent hacker by using an 80'ties punk rocker - that never were that good in the first place - as a posterwoman. i think you are getting desperate - really desperate. you want cyberwar... i'll fuckin' give it to you. try to get a network up and running. you will be found. you will be eradicated with digital fire.

you want my tactics? my skills? you ain't seen nothing yet. maybe i should offer my services to the nato cyber command and fuck you over bigtime. the Russians don't need my help in doing this.

this is what i propose take control of daesh accounts on social media and spam their followers with messages like:
- we're having great fun. bombs are dropping like rain and we're getting mutilated.
- you really die of smoking in our caliphate.
- i'm an old hag and the men would rather fuck a goat than me.
- my freedom is limited. can only walk the streets accompanied by my husband who is dead.

you get the picture.

fuck daesh and their medieval caliphate.

'nuff said, cheers


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

cyberunit - building an effective one

these are my thoughts (so far) on how to create an effective cyber-unit or hacker group:

*** cyberunit ***

authorities versus specialists

an authority has expert level knowledge on a specific topic, this can be but not limited to php, mysql, zap and so on.
a specialist is able to utilize any technique as a weapon (ie. for military use)

the authority-people handles long term strategy whereas the specialist people takes care of the tactical situations that may arise. 

overview of the unit

to know who is best suited to a specific task record information on who has most knowledge of different areas, like php, zap, shell-scripts, etc.
who has the best skills (ie hands-on) with specific software.
what area would the member best like to strengthen and what agitates them doing.

tactical layer

handles mission planning since this is recon, attack, recon, attack and so on they decide best path to cut down time consumed on decision making.

strategic layer

handles long term campaigns, choosing overall targets and choosing which areas - new techniques, example - internal knowledge that should receive focus.

wolfpack tactic

this should make the basis for an unit that employs wolfpack tactics. it is so easy (with shared info on shared "hack"-servers) to add new personnel to an ongoing mission. and since everyone is making their own decisions within mission paramaters this is a very effeective method of organization. furthermore one can always re-assign unit members so that the strongest unit is presented for each "project".
every single member of the wolfpack knows the other members strengths and weaknesses. this tactic utilizes the way wolfpacks hunt.

shark tactic

get the target to focus attention on a single point and then attack (more or less) at random imitating a group of sharks floating by and each ripping a piece out of the target.

burst-fire hacking

using the terminal can be tedious (you have to type a lot) so use scripts, aliases, functions and environment variables. also use tabs to seperate different tasks. it's easier to remember TARGET_IP_PRIMARY and TARGET_IP_SECONDARY than which ip is which target.

tools of the trade

the computer is the gun and software the little pieces of ammunition you load it with. the os is more like a toolbox. a "hack"-server is a good idea to have running. it runs the software utilized by the unit and one connects to the servers and use port#'s to select the piece of program used.

old school techniques

you don't need a classy piece of software to send an email from everyone to everyone (you need access to the targets inbox to read any reply) just a smtp-gate and telnet.

it is paramount that info on techniques and related knowledge is shared widely and freely within the group to make everyone stronger.