i'm a tranny! i'm a guy who occationally dress up as a woman! and i like it! you throw people like me out from high places.
i may not be happy with the way things are done where i live now but at least i have the freedom to say and the opputunity to change things... to some extent.
did you really think i would participate in taking your hackers to the next level... even cyberwar?
do you think you will recruit any decent hacker by using an 80'ties punk rocker - that never were that good in the first place - as a posterwoman. i think you are getting desperate - really desperate. you want cyberwar... i'll fuckin' give it to you. try to get a network up and running. you will be found. you will be eradicated with digital fire.
you want my tactics? my skills? you ain't seen nothing yet. maybe i should offer my services to the nato cyber command and fuck you over bigtime. the Russians don't need my help in doing this.
this is what i propose take control of daesh accounts on social media and spam their followers with messages like:
- we're having great fun. bombs are dropping like rain and we're getting mutilated.
- you really die of smoking in our caliphate.
- i'm an old hag and the men would rather fuck a goat than me.
- my freedom is limited. can only walk the streets accompanied by my husband who is dead.
you get the picture.
fuck daesh and their medieval caliphate.
'nuff said, cheers