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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Liberal Socialism (anarchy with a friendly face)

liberal socialism - freedom and choice

how to replace the wellfare-state with the growth-society? you start by recognizing that growth demands opputinity for the single indivdual. it means that the state have to ensure the corporate sectors earning possibilities. this requires that every single citizen have the means and oppotunity to educate themselves. or find their own potential and exploit it. the solution is liberal socialism.

the easiest solution is to implement a citizens-pay. a minimum-amount that is required to have an acceptable lifestyle in modern society. this includes money for insurances. for example isn't it a problem if the disabled can afford the required insurances for medical care, dentist, it should even cover the nodding shrink. the amount should allow for a bit of entertainment. the system should stop paying if a certain maximum limit is reached. this allows for poor people to save up money for an education.  this also makes it possible to live on a low-income job.

isn't it nice to have 50.000 on your account? wouldn't it be nicer to have 50 million? you can! if you choose to use the money for beer and weed it is your problem. if you choose to take an education it is your choice. the state guarantees a life of opputunity. not luxury. that is one's own responsibility.

taxation! it is unjust and unfair to put tax on property. when you have paid for your house it is yours. but does this leaves with only paychecks to tax? no. we can put a tax on the consumption of money. maybe 10% to 15% on every incoming money transfer not originating from ones own account. this means that businesses do not pay tax for internal transfers. this way we can lift taxes on peoples paychecks. limits on bonusses should be lifted and instead the bonus is taxated heavily, like 25% to 50%. this is to redistribute wealth. this should ensure that money is always circulating in the society which in turn gives a more stable economy. local merchants doesn't loose to much business in the aftershock of a financial crisis. an anticipated side-effect is a (very) low but stable growth in society generally.

the voting process will be of direct democracy. this is in both the state and municipal system. the voter has to vote for a named - their choice - politician and the one with the most votes chooses position first. then the one with the second-most votes. this will make the government reflect the peoples wishes and motivate coorporation.

the world of today demands quickness and agility in government. and since the people have a direct influence on the constellation of their government and parliament the government (not the municipal system) should be able to decide what international agreements the country should enter. we - the people - exchange a (very) little form of influence regarding public polls but gain a lot more individual freedom.

we have a choice pertaining google, facebook, microsoft and all those i was too lazy to mention (sorry guys ;-) we do not when it comes to the dealings of our governemnt. we do not have a choice when it comes to the municipal system. if we the people should trust a government with such freedom in handling the affairs of the state at least we should be able to follow every step of every policy implemented. an open and transparent government is essential in a free world. we crave freedom and choice not corruption and greed.

the state concerns itself with the long-term goals like the environment, education, healthcare, justice (police) and military branches of state. they govern by setting limits for how much polution is acceptable. what types of side-effects in medicine can be tolerated. foreign-policies and such.

the municipal serves the businesses in the local community. for example: a company can ask the municipal system to arrange for extras busses for a period of time if production requires around the clock operation. if people can't get to work they can't work. judicial affairs, rights of the individual and so on is handled by members of the industry in question and ngo's with an interrest in the matter.

the system should emphasize on freely agreed contracts between the industry and the consumer. here the consumer is represented by an ngo member. example: monitoring, logging, google, human rights watch. if the consumer doesn't feel violated and the company has a sustainable business plan then the politicians should not interfere. cookie laws, anyone? a judge represents the state and thereby the people and have one foremost priority: to ensure that the law is upheld. that it doesn't violate any of the limits set by the state government. it is a system that clearly seperates the state from the municipal. *** it is a system where one individual can become a member of parliament simply by getting enough votes. ***

this gives for example a bank a much broader spectrum to design the product to the customer. a factory producing insect repellant have some limits imposed by the state government as to what levels of environmental protection they should satisfy but how they do so is their choice entirely. local circumstances may allow for a more lenient enterpretation of the law or a much harder. but the municipal system have a much better eagle-eyes view of the local area. and the judge ensures that a permit doesn't violate the longterm goals. this system makes it possible to bend the rules taking the local society into account.

the justice system should emphasize that money doesn't mean a thing in the eyes of the law. this to counter the effect of rising unequality. financial unequality isn't nessecarily a thing of evil. if the state in coorporation with the business world ensures that poor people still can afford to exist. even take their kids to the cinema once in a while. give people the means to make a brighter tomorrow for themselves and they will. wouldn't you?

the state should employ private subcontractors and these contracts should be administrated by the municipal. the demand to take the lowest offer is unhealthy for competetion because it leaves only one means of getting the contract: lowest price. the system should choose the offer they believe to be the best. anything else contradicts the spirit of freedom. and an open governance should ensure that every pro and con is known. after all! we all get to go the hospital or the school or take the bus so we'll find out what the deal was sooner or later, right?

this is a society that encourages the individual to make something of itself. and moreso! presents the opputunity and means to do so. yes, it is a society that allows the individual to do steroids and get beaten up or beat someone up in a cage for a living. it is a society that tries to diminish the effects of growing unequality. it is a society wherein the disabled can afford medical insurance and health care. it is a society that allows corporations much broader freedom in securing their goals and the environment. in short a society based on the fact that every member sees themselfes as a single unique individual always membering a community. it is a society that says: rematch! there is always one more try!

"my ideas are out of phase? it's anarchy with a friendly face!", anthrax [mutated]

the state generates income by licitation. an example: the state offers a prison contract of 7000/month/inmate. the local municipal allows that a local prison can charge each inmate 10000/month for food and shelter. and since the state deposits 15.000 each month if you have under 100.000 it is not unfair to charge people to be in prison this way. this example leaves plenty to set aside and have a good time. there is no need for a cruel prison-system. schools could be licitated this way too. hospitals. you name it.


as you can see the state cuts expenses by outsourcing more than just the job. and people above the "poverty"-line contributes to the state and those below gets their share paid by the state which in turn pays the company.

the state wants 200/child/month. one municipal wants 300/child/month totalling 500/child/month. another wants 200 totalling 400, yet another 500 for a total of 700. how to profit is up to the company. this system allows for different schools to compete not only on price but product as well. but if the state charges 10.000 and the municipal charges 100.000 no one will be able to make any money. it is a new way of looking at taxes.

human rights watch and google agree that a certain way of doing things on a computer system doesn't violate privacy. a judge ensures it does not violate state law and then signs it. it is now legal for facebook to use the same technology. 2 years later a new tech emerges and amnesty sees this as a problem when used with the tech mentioned before. they raise the case with a judge. the judge sees if this is in fact basis for a new trial or... a new law and if so the two parties try to reach a settlement. if they do then this is the new law. if they don't. the department of justice must make a ruling. this ensures a more dynamic way of passing a law. a system more consistant with the world of today.

a chemical plant gets a no on a specific production. a couple of years later a new method of production emerges. if this makes it safe for the environment it is easy for the company to get a license to produce the chemical. and it makes it legal for every other plant to produce the chemical using the same method.

it goes for both examples - of course - if it is not in violation of someones ip, patent and such. this responsibility also falls upon the judge.

and yes, this system allows for a prison with a pricetag of a million a day. the logic is that the punishment is to be confined to a limited space for fixed amount of time with specific alloted rules for contact with family and friends. it is the certain individual that is being punished for a specific crime. that is what the sentence is based on. not the amount on a bank account.


a company gets a contract for a school. they have several. now they can negotiate a better price on books because of a larger volume.

the state dictates that co2 should be minimized 2%. how is up to the individual municipal system. and in turn it is up to the single copmpany how to do so.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

safe servers network

safe servers network

*** edit: “safe” implies “less unsafe” ***

every desktop machine has exactly the same software (even if not used by the user) in the same versions. cuts down 2nd-line support. and if a problem is solved on one machine it is solved on them all. example: an exploit becomes known. fix it one place and it’s fixed all over. also makes adding new machines easy as 1-2-go

two “dead-man-switches”
1. cuts connection to the grid (kills routers). this way key-loggers etc don’t call home
2. cuts bridges to server farm. if a virus is loos on the intra protect the servers. data is vital. not desktops.

this cannot be emphasized enough: there are no automatics on a secure network. none! it's always a good idea to lookup problems before installing an update.

servers who needs to be accessible from outside should be isolated on their own connection. this means that all machines on the inside of the network (lan) will have their own connection. so, at least 2 connections are required. this is a public/private seperation. it may seem like overkill but it allows that the router (internet access point) on the private part can have it's dmz redirect inbound traffic to a non-existing ip. administration on the public part is done through 22h ot a webbased interface.

no wi-fi allowed. no equip leaves building. none gets in (people must lock their cells in).
these will very soon be the really big exploit in the very near future (it’s already happening) and the potential for a major fuck-up is ludicrous

each server-function is located on ONE server each (i.e. web on one, maybe 4 * 1 dbms).
only mandatory ports are open on each firewall. if a machine does not need to do dns-lookups udp/tcp53/993 etc is sealed. also fw’s should be in stealth mode not answering icmp request.
if an extra measure is required use different versions of the software. every software has holes. but every version has different holes. no vm’s. if the vm is compromised, the host and every vm on it is compromised too.

a public server should be made completely cut-off from the real intra. all adm, updates, etc should be made through the internet. any public facing server is a drop of guard that is not needed. it will be hacked. a web-server alone is paramount to be compromised. add an underlying dbms and all bets are off. there is none. also it could be useful for data gathering of just how clever these little sob’s have gotten. kids are getting smart these days. just for the lulz

a multi-line internet connection would be nice too. the more ip’s the merrier. it still has to go through one tiny hole to get in or out

oh yeah. a couple of 3g/4g connections would be apt to have in store in case of a full-scale breach. why cut totally off. cunning panic is not panic. merely vigilance

** edit ***

it is impossible to uphold a directive that nothing comes in contact with the outside world. any device that has left the building - unlike Elvis who’s still ghosting around somewhere - that device becomes contaminated. before going in and back out it must be cleansed. that means that any documents stored locally will not enter servers. instead one must apply cloud-tech and very heavily encrypted connections. speed is not an issue so i guess that leaves pretty much up to the imagination. i think there are some american laws that prohibits too strong encryption, i think it boils down to that they want to ensure their experts can crack it. but i don’t see any right of anybody to interfere how an organisation or a group of individuals run their private networks.

have a hardware based system where the machine shuts down if the webcam is blocked

nothing is done automatic on a secure network. not updates. not access (no saved passwords). not nothing. and i literally mean the void of total absence of anything remotely not caused by a human

*** end edit ***

*** for those wearing tin-foil hats ***

do not equip the servers with conventional drives (incl sad)
instead have the configured system on a dvd and boot from that
all data is kept in memory or on a ram-drive
if someone tries to take the servers away they sure will be disappointed. its the only way
to make sure no info is »left behind«

*** end edit ***

*** dbms ***

no pw needed to access. auth is handled by a bridge in between.
open source big-data with flat structure.
every field has history (done by making delete disable the field altogether and update really inserts a new line)

*** end dbms ***

*** encrypted dns ***

i think the time has come to encrypt dns lookups

*** end dns ***

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Black Holes and the beginning of the Universe

det starter med sorte huller. de suger alt ind. tiltrækningskraften er så stærk at selv ikke lys undslipper. Det tryk der er i et sort hul bevirker at alt trykkes sammen og derved rykkes i stykker. Det ender med at have en masse så tæt på 0 at det reelt ikke fylder noget. På et tidspunk er der så meget “ingenting” i et sort hul at trykket i det sorte hul presser ingenting sammen til noget. Der opstår objekter med masse. Med struktur og mønstre. Og når der er for meget masse i det sorte hul at tingene ikke kan rives i stykker og derved optages i det sorte hul sker der en ukontrolleret energi udladning. Og vi har et Big Bang. Der har ikke kun været et men multiple simultane Big Bangs.

Dette åbner så et meget interesant spørgsmål: har sorte huller indbyrdes forbindelse gennem et eller andet uset sub-rum? for hvordan koordineres sådan en hændelse? og hvis det er sandt er sorte huller så en genvej til universets center? Alt har en cyclus. Alt. Også universet.

hvis man forestiller sig massen af et helt univers presset sammen til en enkelt singularitet der sætter en ukontrolleret kædereaktion i gang. eller har sorte huller en kritisk masse. jeg siger de har. den energi dette blast må medføre vil have så stor kraft at det kan skabe en lignende reaktion i det eller de nærmeste sorte hul(ler). og så fremdeles.

det forklarer hvorfor det big bang kan høres overalt i universet. det forklarer hvorfor universet tilsyneladende udvidede sig med den hastighed det må have gjort for at opnå den størrelse det har i dag. Det forklarer også hvorfor universet udvider sig i alle retninger. Og det er den eneste forklaring på at man aldrig har tilnærmet sig et epicenter for the big bang.

og det medfører at universet i virkeligheden også har en livscyclus hvor det hele starter med at sorte huller suger alt ind. ændrer det og spytter et nyt univers ud.

så da einstein sagde at gud ikke kaster med terninger tog han fejl. de sorte huller er guderne's eller gud's tilfældigheds-generator. det stemmer også godt overens i naturen hvor man ser den samme skabelon gå igen men på en ny måde hver gang. se bare på zebraer. der er ikke to ens men alligevel kan man ikke se forskel.

man kan ikke forestille sig hvilken stråling der måtte opstå men kan det antages at "grund-byggestene" udsat for den rette stråling kan have været det der skabte de absolut første former for liv? jeg ved ikke, men hvis ikke livets gnist er en form for gud-dommelig kraft så ved jeg ikke hvad der kan kaldes gud-dommeligt.

jeg hælder mere og mere til at et sort hul presser matriale til mørkt stof. tilstanden mellem energi og masse. når et sort hul opnår kritisk masse skaber eksplosionen higgs partiklen. der så igen danner mønstre - altså partikler. - når den går i forbindelse med mørkt stof. 

*** here's my english translation

it all starts with black holes. they suck in everything. the gravitational force is so strong that not even light can escape its grasp. the pressure in a black hole will grind and rip aprt everything within so that it is broken into the very simplest of elements. in reality "stuff" ends up with a mass close to 0 which in turn means that is takes up nearly no space. at a certain point one could argue that the pressure forces all this nothing into something. objects comes into existance (we can duplicate this effect with a tube amplifier that works by manipulating the electrons that spontanious occur in the vacuum of the tube) attaining mass. tructures and patterns follows. and when there is too much mass in a black hole that its force cannot "absorb" more matter an uncontrolled energy emession takes place. that is a big bang. not the. i believe there has been multiple.

this  opens up a key question: does black holes have some unseen connection through a non discovered sub-space? because how can such an event as the big bang be coordinated? and if true is black holes some shortcut to the center of the universe? everything have a cycle. even the universe.

if one imagine the mass of an entire solar-system compressed into a single singularity and an uncontrolled burst of energy occurs. what i argue is that black holes have a critical mass. i say yes. can this blast have enough power to make a similar effect in the nearest black holes occur. again i say yes. this happenened throughout the universe.

this explains why the big bang is heard throughout the universe. it explains why the universe achieved the size is has in the amount of time it used to do so. it explains why the universe is expanding in all directions. and it is the only explanation to why we haven't zeor'ed in on an epi-center for the big bang.

and it implies that the universe has a life-cycle where it all starts (and ends) with black holes absorbing everything. change it and spit out a new universe.

when einstein said that God dfo not throw dice he made a mistake. black holes are our Gods or God's random-generator. it is also consistent with nature where one can study the same template being used over and over with variated results. take zebras. not 2 are alike but one can't diffentiate between them.

i don't think one can speculate on the type of radiation this would create but i think one can assume that the radiation combined with the building blocks of the universe could have created the first simplest forms of life. micro-organisms.

if the spark of life is not some form of divine power i do not know what could be called divine.

the "grinding process" i think produce what is called dark matter. the state between energy and mass. when a black hole reaches critical mass the explosion creates the higgs particle which in turn interacts with the dark matter to form patterns - here particles and atoms. that could explain why it requires so much energy to make the higgs particle and why dark matter is scattered throughout the universe.